Ana Mayela Campos Rojas

Ana Mayela Campos Rojas

Mujer en tecnología con amplia experiencia en comercio electrónico y transformación digital. 

Especializada en Ciencias de la Computación con pasión por el Growth Marketing. 

Fundadora de Hazlo Digital. 


Por alexcu21

I have actively contributed to the coordination of WordCamps and Managua WordPress meetup in my home country, gaining valuable experience in event organization within the WordPress community. Teaching is not just a hobby for me; it's a passion. I thoroughly enjoy imparting knowledge on new technologies, encompassing the vast realm of web development and design. My enthusiasm for staying abreast of the latest advancements in technology is evident in my continuous learning journey. Additionally, I've dedicated my skills to non-profit projects, using my expertise in web development to make a positive impact and contribute to initiatives aimed at helping people in need.

WordCamps I've participated:

WordCamp Zaragoza, Spain 2024 (Volunteer)
WordCamp Valencia, Spain 2023 (contributor)
WordCamp Madrid, Spain 2023 (Speaker)
WordCamp Managua, Nicaragua 2023 (Lead Organizer)
WordCamp San Jose, Costa Rica 2022 (Speaker)
WordCamp Nicaragua Online 2021 (Lead Organizer)
WordCamp Spain online 2020 (Speaker)
WordCamp Panama City 2019 (Speaker)
WordCamp Managua 2019 (Web Developer, Speaker)

WordCamp Managua 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!